Allocation Rules
Allocation Process
Cost is allocated during the cost processing. Cost line items are filtered by allocation rules in order of priority and are associated with a context path. Once allocated the line item is not considered for any other context.
Allocation rules are evaluated starting with the lowest priority first and then to the highest priority. A blank priority means that it has the highest priority and will be evaluated last.
Creating a Hierarchy/Rule
The name of the rule will be seen in Yotascale’s hierarchy. A rule and priority can be blank.
The rules are like where clause in an SQL. A single expression can have multiple clauses joined by AND & OR operators along with parentheses for precedence.
Structure of a Rule
Following keys/attributes are supported on the left-hand-side of the operator
Any of the 30 Yotascale tags (Team, Name, User, Cost Center, Project, Environment, Owner, Pod, EMR job Flow ID, EMR Role, CreatedBy, application, custom_1, etc.) NOTE: These tag categories can be renamed so verify the tag before using it.
productname (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Simple Storage Service, etc.)
ys_type (Cost, Taxes, RIFee, Discounts, Annual Fee, Support)
ys_usagetypegroup (Others, Network, Access, Instance, Storage, Load Balancer, Container Runtime, MultiInstance)
reservedinstance (Y, N)
ys_cluster_type (Kubernetes, ECS, EKS)
clusterUUID (Cluster Name)
Following operators are supported in the rule expression
is not null
not in
`Team` = 'Finance'
`Team` In ('Developer Services', 'Developer-Services')
`Team` = 'Developer Services' OR `Team` = 'Developer-Services'
(`AWS Account` = ('999999999999') ) OR (`AWS Account` = ('999999999999') ) OR (`AWS Account` = ('999999999999') ) OR (`AWS Account` = ('999999999999') ) OR (`AWS Account` = ('999999999999') )
`Team` In ('Data', 'Data-Infra', 'data-infra', 'Data-infra', 'data-infra', 'DE', 'DI', 'di', 'DSA', 'dsa', 'DSA Unknown') OR `Team` like '%Foo%' OR `Team` like 'Analytics%'
`Operating Hours` = 'DEVOPS' AND `Environment` In ('DEV', 'Dev', 'dev', 'STAGING', 'Staging', 'staging', 'stg', 'TEST')
`AWS Service` = ('AWS Lambda') AND `Environment` In ('DEV', 'Dev', 'dev', 'STAGING', 'Staging', 'staging', 'stg', 'TEST')
application` LIKE 'Discovery%'
Cost Processing
Once a new rule/hierachy is implemented, notify Support to rerun Cost Processing in order for the hierarchy to get cost data.