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How to setup SSO and federated authentication

Step-by-step guide to how to setup federated authentication.


  • The user must have the admin rights
  • User should have same username in Yotascale as it is configured in the identity provider to verify the authentication flow


Currently Yotascale provides support for the following types of authentication:

  • Google Auth
  • SAML
  • Okta OpenID


  • Only one auth provider can be defined at any given point in time

Steps to complete:

  1. Navigate to the settings menu by clicking your user initials in the top right of the page
  2. Click "Manage Users" from the drop down menu
  3. Click "Manage Auth Provider" from the tab
  4. Click "New Auth" button to setup federated auth
  5. Select the auth provider from drop-down.
  6. Fill up the fields according to the selected auth provider and press "Create New Auth" button
  7. For SAML and Okta openid, user need to first verify the auth provider 
  8. After verifying you can assign new auth provider to both existing and new users in the User List tab.    

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