What is meant by partial, invalid, and untagged resources?
What is meant by partial, invalid, and untagged resources?
Organizations typically have a standard set of resource tags applied to AWS resources such as environment, region, account, system, etc. Tagging policies and rules can be defined in Yotascale™ software to enforce a standard tagging strategy which improves the ability to report on AWS costs. Yotascale software provides insight into improperly tagged resources which do not adhere to the company tagging policies.
Partially tagged resources
Partially tagged resources are those resources which have some but not all required tags. For example, a resource may have the environment tag, but not have a mandatory team and region tag.
Invalid tagged resources
Invalid tagged resources are those resources which have invalid tag values for some of its tags. An environment tag might have a regex policy which states the only valid values are one of the following (Production, Development, Test) thus a resource having an environment tag with the value of "Staging" would be invalid.
Untagged resources
Untagged resources are those resources which do not have any tags associated to it.