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Getting Started with Tag Manager

How do I get to Yotascale Tag Manager?

Accessing Tag Manager is easy. Once you’ve logged into the software, you’ll see Tagging in the top-level menu. From anywhere in the product, click Tagging in the top-level menu to be taken to Tag Manager.

What should you expect to get out of using Yotascale Tag Manager?

  1. Fully automated tagging of AWS resources, including creating and updating tagging rules for new and existing resources
  2. Find any active AWS resource based on associated tags
  3. Visibility into your AWS workloads
  4. Cost allocation benefits to ensure proper accounting
  5. Monitoring of your AWS resource tag health

What is tagging?

In AWS, tagging is the process of assigning key-value pairs to AWS resources based on the dimensions or contexts that your business uses to track how money is spent on AWS.

Why would you want to tag your AWS resources?

Ultimately, good tag hygiene makes it easy to allocate costs appropriately, whether that’s by business unit, application, region, product, team, or anything else. Metadata-based cost allocation allows you to assign AWS expenses to cost centers within your business hierarchy. When you know where and how you’re spending money, you can forecast future spend and ultimately optimize and predict your AWS costs.

Additional  Articles

Console Navigation for Tag Manager

Getting Started with Tag Manager

How to setup an "inherit from parent" auto-tag policy

AWS Articles to understand AWS tagging

How to save a tag search

Getting Started with Tag Manager

How-To Guides for Tag Manager

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