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How to setup an "inherit from parent" auto-tag policy

A step-by-step guide to set up an "inherit from parent" auto-tagging policy


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Yotascale™ software provides the ability to create auto-tag policies to automate the tagging of AWS resources. It is very common to want to have EC2 and their related EBS volumes have the same tag values. You can create an auto-tag policy that will synchronize the tags of an EC2 instance to all of its child EBS volumes.  This is called an "inherit from parent" policy. 

Steps to complete:

  1. Navigate to the Tag Management screen
  2. Go to the "Search" tab
  3. Click on the "Show Advanced Search Options" link
  4. Create a new saved search with the following parameters
    1. resource types = "EBS volumes"
    2. Resource filter = "Untagged"
    3. Search name = "Untagged EBS volumes"
    4. Click on "Save Search" and name the search "Untagged EBS volumes"
  5. Navigate to the "Auto-Tagging Policies" tab
  6. Click "Add new policy" and specify the following:
    1. Saved Search = "Untagged EBS volumes"
    2. Policy = Inherit from parent
  7. Click "Create new policy"

Note: Auto-tagging policies are executed every hour.

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