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Getting Started with Budgeting & Forecasting

How do I get to Budgeting & Forecasting?

Click on "Cost" and then select "Budget & Forecast" on the side of the page. Or navigate to a specific hierarchy like Company/IT then click on 

 in the upper right corner and select "Edit Context"

What are the primary reasons to use Budget & Forecast?

The main benefits of using Yotascale to track your budgets are:

  • Track your budgets inline with other analytics for your AWS spend (costs, anomalies, recommendations, etc.)
  • Track your budgets vs your actual historical AWS spend
  • Weekly notifications of how you are doing with respect to your budget given the context of your business

The main benefits of using Yotascale to forecast your AWS spend are:

  • Help plan your budgets given your historical costs
  • Answer questions about “How are we looking for next month/quarter, this year, etc?”
  • Predict when intervention is needed to ensure your budgets are not exceeded
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