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How to view AWS resource utilization data

Step-by-step guide to how to view AWS resource utilization data


  • Yotascale™ software must be provided access to Cloudwatch metrics or data from a third party such as Data Dog, New Relic, Splunk, or similar.


Yotascale software provides visibility to resource utilization metrics for resources and reserved capacity utilization.  You can view metrics such as:

  • CPU
  • Memory

For reserved capacity utilization you can view the following metrics broken down by region or instance type:

  • Cost wastage
  • Utilization


  1. Select the perspective which contains the resources you wish to view the utilization metrics
  2. From the filter thread bar you will select "EC2" or what other resources you wish to view
  3. Select the "Utilization" sub-tab to view the resource utilization
  4. Select the "Reserve Capacity Utilization" sub-tab to view the reserve capacity utilization

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